ለቶልol ነፃ ይደውሉ + 86-318-3600832


የጭራግ ሽፋንFRPየጎድን ፍሳሽ
  • /img/frp_drain_grating.jpg
  • /upfile/2018/12/21/20181221085002_941.jpg
  • /upfile/2018/12/21/20181221085011_397.jpg
  • /upfile/2018/12/21/20181221085019_818.jpg

FRP መፍሰስ

Be widely used in Inspection wells of power,telecommunication,mobile communication,
Sewer,gas pipes,gas station,chemical bases,real estates,urban arteries,high-grade highways,expressways,freight transport piers,airports,etc.

  • ዝርዝሮች
  • ጥቅሞች
  • ማሸግ እና መላኪያ
  • ጥያቄ

unit: mm

600 * 600 * 50

600 * 600 * 40

500 * 500 * 50

500 * 500 * 40

500 * 500 * 30

480 * 60040

450 * 750 * 40

400 * 600 * 60

400 * 600 * 50

400 * 600 * 40

400 * 600 * 30

400 * 500 * 50

400 * 500 * 40

400 * 400 * 40

380 * 680 * 55

380 * 680 * 40

350 * 500 * 50

350 * 500 * 40

350 * 500 * 30

350 * 500 * 50

350 * 500 * 40

350 * 500 * 30

350 * 500 * 20

300 * 450 * 40


1 Weight type: Applicable to urban roads and fast lanes.
2 Normal type: Applicable to Driveway
3 Lightweight: Applicable to non-motor vehicle lanes, residential quarters, park square,factories, schools, hospitals, green belts.
4 Classification and coloring according to the requirements of each city project setting.
5 Because FRP material is light, the drain grating is light too. So that it is easy to move and install.
6 Using:Be widely used in Inspection wells of power,telecommunication,mobile communication,Sewer,gas pipes,gas station,chemical bases,real estates,urban arteries,high-grade highways,expressways,freight transport piers,airports,etc.

1. የሌዘር ተፈጥሮአዊ ጭረት እሴት ስለሆነም ስርቆቱን የመያዝ አደጋን ይቀንሳል
2. መካከለኛ ክብደት እና ቀላል ጭነት
3.ካን ከ -30 ℃ እስከ 70 ℃ ዲግሪዎች አካባቢ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላሉ
4.30 ዓመታት የአገልግሎት ሕይወት
5. በብሔራዊ ደህንነት ኤጀንሲዎች ተሞከረ ፡፡ ጨቋኝ ፣ መታጠፍ እና ተፅእኖን የመቋቋም ችሎታ። ሙቀት ፣ ቅዝቃዛ ፣ አሲድ ፣ ወዘተ.
6. የመጥፋት መቋቋም ፣ የአካባቢ ጥበቃ ፍላጎቶችን ያሟላል ፣ እና የማዕድን ሀብቶችን ብዝበዛ ይቀንሳል ፣ ከተማዋን ማስዋብ ፣ ቀለሙን መመደብ እና የከተማዋን ጣዕምና ማጎልበት ፡፡

ከእንጨት የተሠራ መጫኛ የገቢያ ጥቅል ማሸጊያ ነው ፡፡

ለበለጠ መረጃ