Murfin farar hula na wucin gadi 1612
Ana sanya lullubi na wucin-gadi na wucin gadi, rami, wuraren buɗe manhole da sauran haɗarin tafiya don ba da damar kututturewa da hana haɗari yayin ayyukan suna ci gaba.
Matsakaici mai jurewa da gefuna da aka gada suna hana tarkowa.
- details
- Abũbuwan amfãni
- Shigarwa Da Jirgin Sama
- Sunan
Size Girman yana 1612 kawai.
1 Amintaccen kuma amintacce: 1612 ya dace don ramuka ko rami har zuwa 900mm faɗi.
2Loading class: 600-700kg per 625cm.
3Able to be personalized with your logo or warning label
4Designed primarily for use in street works, and there are many other potential uses for the temporary trench cover as it can also be used as pit cover, manhole cover or footway board and so on.
5This size temporary drian cover can not be with the PVC black edge.
6The trench cover is molded from a single piece of composite and as it is with light weight so that it is easy to move and maneuver.