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  • /img/steel_grating_trench_drain_cover.jpg
  • /upfile/2018/12/22/20181222112006_194.jpg
  • /upfile/2018/12/22/20181222112020_304.jpg
  • /upfile/2018/12/22/20181222112032_785.jpg

Poklopac odvoda za odvod čelika od čeličnog rešetka

The strength is better.
The material can be stainless steel or galvanized. And loading class can from A15 to D400 EN1433 standard.
The grating trench cover edge can be flate or packed by the u steel channel.

  • Detaljnije
  • Prednosti
  • Pakiranje i otprema
  • ispitivanje


● duljine 1000mm.
● Rupa za svornjak može biti u sredini ili na rubu
●Middle bolt hole is for A15 to C250 class and edge bolt hole is for C250 to D400 class
● Širina je od 130 mm do 360 mm
●Grating mesh opening can be changed as the requirement.
●The trench drain grating cover edge can be flat or with thickness
●All the steel grating cover can be used with all size the linear trench drain


The steel grating cover can be used with all the polymer concrete trench drain channel. So that the channel drain loading class can reach D400 En1433 standard.
1) Sve rešetke imaju glatku i čvrstu površinu, također s boljom čvrstinom od korozije kemikalija.
2) Ojačanje u dnu posebno je dizajnirano, jamči snažno opterećenje.
3) Sve čelične rešetke pregledavaju se u skladu s EN1433 & AS3996.
4) Proizvod možemo napraviti prema vašem zahtjevu, uzorku i crtežu.

1.Nema ugrađenu vrijednost otpada čime se smanjuje rizik od krađe
2.Moderate težinu i jednostavnu instalaciju
3. Može se koristiti u okolini od -30 70 do XNUMX ℃
4.10 godina radnog vijeka
5.Any design can be produed according to the requirement
6.drainage the water sooner.

Usally the steel grating cover is connected with the liner polymer concrete trench drain. And they will be put on the wood pallet. According to the size of the trench drain size to get the quanity of each pallet.
