Pagaidu tranšejas pārsega materiāls - SMC materiāla raksturojums
Pagaidu tranšejas pārseguma materiāls ir SMC. Šis materiāls ir labāks par HDPE un tēraudu utt.
SMC characteristic:
1 inflaming retarding,
2 Hight mechanical strength
3 Light weight
4 corrosion resisting
5 Long service life
6 High insulation
7 Arc resistance
8 anti-aging
According above characteristic, it is lighter than steel plate trench cover and it is easy to move. The weight is nearly to HDPE material trench cover. But SMC material trench cover is inflaming retarding and anti-aging. So our temporary trench cover can be used long time. When the trench cover age, the loading will change. Such as it can be from 500kgs to 300kgs or less.