ගාස්තු අය නොකෙරේ: + 86-318-3600832

විද්යුත් තැපෑල:info@draintrench.net

අගල ආවරණයFRPඅගල කාණු
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ප්ලාස්ටික් නාලිකා කාණු

HDPE linear drain has been widely concerned with many advantages, and is now gradually used in commercial pedestrian blocks, parks, parking lots, roads, ports, airports and other occasions.

  • විස්තර
  • වාසි
  • ඇසුරුම් සහ නැව්ගත කිරීම
  • පරීක්ෂණයක්

1 plastic channel inside size
100 * 80 * 1000mm
150 * 140 * 750mm
250 * 165 * 750mm
2 All the plastic channel drain can be with any type cover and HDPE cover.
3 HDPE cover can be any colour as your requirement.

4 Loading class can be from A15 to D400

HDPE linear drains are mainly used for the rapid collection of ground rainwater and the function of guiding the rainwater to the municipal pipe network. It has been widely used in Europe by replacing the cast-in-place concrete ditch body and the resin concrete ditch body with polymer materials. At present, with the rising of construction materials and labor costs, HDPE linear drain has been widely concerned with many advantages, and is now gradually used in commercial pedestrian blocks, parks, parking lots, roads, ports, airports and other occasions.

1). Light weight compared to size, cost of transport and installation.
2). Robust, unbreakable to bumps and falls.
3). HZT Drainage Channel Polypropylene drainage channel with galvanised steel covering can be used in the field temperature from -60C to +100C without damage.
4). Chemically resists a wide range of acids, salts and hydrocarbons. Installdrain Polypropylene drainage channel with galvanised steel covering can also be used in special environments such as chemical plants, workshops and service stations and is particularly suitable for roads with use of intensive salt anti-freeze, destructive to most traditional systems.
5). Surface resistance to mold and microorganisms means Installdrain can be used in all structures that require high hygiene such as flooring in kitchens, food processing industries, hospitals, etc.
6). Coefficient of peak flows, the surface area of the Installdrain does not create barriers to water flow and minimizes the storage of aggregates.
7). The system is very versatile as the same channel can be installed with different grate options from Class A to Class D.
8). Preformed discharge outlets located on the bottom and side panels of the channel, allow quick and simple connection to storm water discharge pipes.
9). The possibility of mounting grooves with the fixed grate, makes it extremely fast to install. You can transport the pipeline system (channel and grate) already packaged for quick use.

ලී පැලේට් යනු සාමාන්‍ය ඇසුරුමයි.

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