ගාස්තු අය නොකෙරේ: + 86-318-3600832

විද්යුත් තැපෑල:info@draintrench.net

අගල ආවරණයFRPඅගල කාණු
  • /img/polymer_concrete_drain_kerb-37.jpg
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Polymer concrete drain kerb

The variety of widths and profiles allow installation of the system, both in the city and on roads and highways.

  • විස්තර
  • වාසි
  • ඇසුරුම් සහ නැව්ගත කිරීම
  • පරීක්ෂණයක්


500 * 500 * 150mm
500 * 470 * 140mm

Kerb Drain is a monolithic element that combines a curb and a drainage channel. The system allows for freedom in designing and shaping roadways, parking lots, roundabouts and bus stops. The variety of widths and profiles allow installation of the system, both in the city and on roads and highways. For load classes up to C250, according to DIN EN 1433.

●Two functions in one monolithic element
●No loose parts, resistant to attempted theft
●Solutions for installations in highways or urban areas
●Elements for performing roundabouts, gateways or bus stops
●Load class A15 to C250, according DIN EN 1433

Wooden pallet is the usall packing.

අප අමතන්න